Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Rights and Obligations

Welcome to our website. This website aims to assist you during your travel planning, provide you with comprehensive information about the variety of services we offer, and enable you to make reservations for your desired destinations. The use of our services, both on the website and in any of our offices, is subject to the terms, rights, and obligations outlined below.

Rule for Albanian Passports in Travel:



Albtours “D” Vas Tour operator (hereinafter “the agency”) is a tour operator that offers vacations throughout the year. The company relies on its work on a highly professional staff with considerable experience in the field of services.
The agency has an organized network of over 750 partner travel agencies in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Austria, and Mexico, and offers accommodation in more than 100,000 hotels worldwide.
Addresses of agency branches in Albania:
1. Tirana, ALBTOURS D, Rr. “Ibrahim Rrugova”, in front of Sky Tower.
2. Tirana, ALBTOURS D, Rr. “Mine Peza”, Building 102. Tel: 0035542235720.
3. Durrës, ALBTOURS D, Main Boulevard, former Library. Tel: 0035552225456

General Contract with the Client


Council of Ministers Decision no. 65, dated 21.1.2009, “On travel package contracts”.
Law no. 9902, dated 17.4.2008, “On Consumer Protection” as amended.
Law no. 9734, dated 14.5.2007, “On Tourism”.
Law no. 7850, dated 29.07.1994, “Civil Code of the Republic of Albania” as amended.


This contract regulates the contractual relationship for travel packages between the organizer and/or seller and the consumer.
The provisions of this contract regarding the organizer apply equally to the seller, as the seller is jointly responsible with the organizer for the obligations arising from the contract.

3. Definitions

“Contract”: It is the agreement concluded between the consumer and the organizer and/or the seller in which the consumer is obliged to pay a specified price in full for the travel package offered by the organizing party.

“Travel package”: It is the service that provides the consumer with a pre-arranged combination of no less than two of the following types of services: (i) transportation; (ii) accommodation; (iii) other tourist services, not directly related to transportation or accommodation and which constitute a significant part of the package; and covers a time period of no less than 24 hours or that includes accommodation, at least for one night.

“Agency”: A legal entity registered that conducts the activity of offering, finding, and facilitating tourist trips, travel tickets by various means of transportation, as well as tickets for sports or cultural activities for clients, in exchange for payment.

“Reservation”: The preservation or ordering of a tourist product such as travel, accommodation, or a tourist package by the agency, at the request of the client.

“Confirmation”: a) verification of the availability of a reservation, or b) the final agreement by which the client settles the obligations towards the agency, and the agency permanently preserves the client’s reservation.

“Hotel”: a building or a group of interconnected buildings independent of any other construction site, with no fewer than 6 (six) rooms, within a single land plot, in which accommodation, additional services, and comfort are provided to the public by a qualified staff.

“Refund”: the amount of money that the agency is obliged to return to the client in case of non-fulfillment of the agreement due to its fault or in the cases foreseen in this document.


4.1. Agency’s Obligations

4.1.1. The agency’s staff is obliged to explain all offers for which the client expresses interest. The agency’s staff is obliged to respond, within official working hours and in the agreed manner, to any questions or uncertainties of the client.

4.1.2. The agency’s staff is obliged to provide the consumer, in writing or in another appropriate form, before concluding the contract, with general information on the applicable requirements for visas and passports, especially, the time limits for obtaining them, as well as information on health formalities, for travel and stay.
– Albanian passports for charter trips must be valid for more than 6 months.
– Visa arrangement: In cases where the agency prepares tourist packages for trips to destinations where visa requirements apply to Albanian citizens, the agency will facilitate the application process for its clients by collecting the documents and sending them to the respective embassies. The agency bears no responsibility if the entry visa is not granted to the client. The client is also informed about additional visa application costs, in cases where this is not included in the package price.
– Travel insurance: Health insurance is not included in the package price, except where specified otherwise. In any case, the client will be advised on the necessity of insurance covering assistance costs including repatriation, in case of accident or illness.

4.1.3. The agency’s staff is obliged to explain the procedure to be followed in order to facilitate the client’s trip as well as the necessary documents that the client must present to the agency.

4.1.4. The agency’s staff is obliged to best meet the client’s needs regarding hotel reservations, transportation, etc. If the client chooses to accept one of the offers prepared by the agency, then the agency’s staff will only be responsible for the hotels and transportation specified in the offer.

4.1.5. The agency declares that it is responsible for any offer advertised on the websites www.vas.al, www.albtoursd.com, in the informative brochures, and catalogs produced by it, as well as any offer advertised by the agency’s staff.

4.1.6. The agency is not responsible for damage or loss of luggage or personal belongings on the airplane, airport, port, ship, or in the hotel.

4.1.7. The agency is responsible for damage or loss of luggage and personal belongings on the means of transportation provided by itself for the client’s transportation from the airport, port to the hotel, and vice versa, to visit various tourist spots as well as on city tours.

4.2 Pre-travel Information
4.2.1. The agency staff is obligated to provide you 7 days before the start of the trip: the name of the company, the address, and phone number of its local representative in the country to be visited and, in the absence of a representative, information to contact local agencies in the country to be visited, which can assist the consumer if they encounter difficulties.
4.2.2. In case of absence of such local agencies, the agency staff will provide you with an emergency phone number or any other information that allows you to contact the organizer.
4.2.3. The agency staff is obliged to inform you about the schedules and intermediate stops and connecting points of the journey, as well as provide details about the places that will be occupied by the traveler, such as cabins or berths on ships, sleeping compartments on trains. The agency’s rules provide for the accompaniment of groups by professional, local, and Albanian guides, both for cultural programs and holiday packages, who not only inform you about the details of the trip but also serve as your contact point with the agency for any potential issues.
4.2.4. The agency will provide you with insurance contract with an insurance company covering its liability for damages caused as a result of failure to fulfill its obligations, including cases of insolvency and bankruptcy.
4.2.5. The agency staff is obligated to inform you in writing about all the terms of the contract, as well as provide you with a copy of these terms.

4.3 Cancellations
4.3.1 The agency is not responsible in case of trip cancellation due to force majeure, natural disasters, popular protests, or declarations of war in the selected destination by the client as well as for any incident occurring due to these reasons. The solution will be found by agreement between the agency and the client.
4.3.2. In case the minimum number of participants required for the organization of the package is not met, then the agency has the right to cancel the trip. The prediction of the minimum number varies according to the destination and the period of the year when a package is promoted, however, it will always be made known at the time of the package publication. The consumer will be notified of this cancellation 15 days before the start of the trip.
4.3.3. If the agency cancels the package before the agreed departure date, the consumer has the right to choose one of the following options:
– Offering a replacement package, equivalent or of higher quality, when the organizer or seller is able to offer it
– Offering a replacement travel package, with lower quality. In such a case, the organizer or seller must compensate the client for the price difference between the canceled travel package and the one offered;
– Refunding the entire amount paid by the consumer, according to the travel package contract, within 7 days from the date of notification of withdrawal.
4.3.4. Otherwise, the consumer has the right to claim compensation from the organizer, for all damages, material and non-material, except for the provisions specified in points 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 of this contract.
4.3.5. The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract without penalty up to 25 days before the start of the trip.
4.3.6. In case the consumer withdraws from the contract beyond the aforementioned deadline, then they are obliged to compensate the agency for the expenses incurred for their reservation. The amount will be determined in accordance with the cancellation deadlines specified in this contract.

4.4 Cancellation Procedures
Cancellation shall be deemed to have occurred when the client appears at one of the agency’s offices and completes the relevant form to withdraw from the relationship created with the agency. The client must appear in person or be represented by a group member (when the trip is booked in a group). In this case, the client must call the agency while the representative is in the agency office to confirm the cancellation.

4.5 Agency Obligations after the Start of the Trip
The agency is obliged to fulfill correctly and completely all services specified in the contract, regardless of subcontractors or different suppliers being tasked with the respective obligations.

4.6 Agency Rights
4.6.1. The agency has the right to request any necessary document that enables the realization of the travel reservation.
4.6.2. The agency has the right to receive, at the agreed time and manner, any payment owed by the client.
4.6.3. The agency has the right to cancel the travel reservation if the client fails to make payments as per the agreement.
4.6.4. In case of trip cancellation, the agency has the right to withhold from the amount paid by the client, any commission or expense that it is required to make in order to enable the client’s travel.


5.1 Client Rights
5.1.1. The client has the right to benefit from the offers based on the information provided by the agency staff.
5.1.2. The client has the right to request detailed information about the trip during the agency’s working hours, through the specified contact methods provided by the agency.
5.1.3. The client has the right to claim reimbursement in case of trip cancellation due to the agency’s fault, in case of hotel or transportation changes due to the agency’s fault, in case of failure to fulfill the package offered by the agency.
5.1.4. The client has the right to withdraw from the travel package contract without any expense or penalty if the organizer is unable to provide valid insurance cover.

5.2 Client Obligations
5.2.1. The client is obliged to make payments as per the agreement with the agency.
5.2.2. The client is obliged to appear at the departure location on the date and time specified by the agency.
5.2.3. The client is obliged to provide the number of participants in the trip if they are responsible for it, or if it concerns a group trip.
5.2.4. The client is obliged to behave properly and according to the laws and ethical norms of the host country where the trip is organized, following the organizer’s instructions. The client is obliged to compensate the organizer for any damage resulting from the non-compliance with this obligation.
5.2.5. The client is obliged to specify whether they will also be bringing pets.
5.2.6. The client is obliged to specify whether there will be minors traveling. For minors traveling without both parents’ presence, a proxy from the parents is required.
5.2.7. The client is obliged to notify, in writing or in another appropriate form, the agency and the service provider in question about any failure to fulfill the tourist package contract, which they notice on-site, at the earliest opportunity.
5.2.8. In case the client withdraws from the contract beyond the aforementioned deadline, then they are obliged to compensate the agency for the expenses incurred as per the conditions specified for cancellation deadlines.


6.1. The consumer in the travel package contract also has the right to transfer his rights and obligations to a third party who meets the conditions specified in the travel package. In such a case, the consumer is obliged to notify the agency 15 days before the departure for the purpose of transferring his reservation to a third party.
6.2. The consumer who transfers his rights and obligations according to the travel package contract and the person to whom the travel package is transferred are jointly and severally liable to the agency for payment of a specified amount from the total price and for any additional costs arising from this transfer. The amount to be paid will vary depending on the notice period as well as the costs determined by the suppliers.
6.3. The agency staff is obliged to facilitate an itinerary change according to the client’s requests, within the limits specified in this agreement. If this change requires a financial cost, this cost will be borne by the client.


7.1. The deadline for making a reservation is at least 14 (fourteen) days before the specified date for the trip. The agency is not responsible if even within this deadline, there are no available places in the hotel or on the transportation.
7.2. If the reservation made by the client is canceled by the client himself/herself before 21 (twenty-one) days or more days before the trip, the client is refunded the full amount paid in the name of the agency. If any expenses have been incurred before the cancellation, this expense will be deducted from the amount the client will receive. Expenses include bank commission in case of payment by credit or debit card.
7.3. If the reservation made by the client is canceled by the client himself/herself 10 (ten) to 20 (twenty) days before the trip, the client is entitled to a refund of up to 50% of the amount paid for the reservation. The client will pay transfer fees and administrative expenses that may have been incurred for the service provided to him/her. Expenses include bank commission in case of payment by credit or debit card.
7.4. If the reservation made by the client is canceled by the client himself/herself 4 (four) to 9 (nine) days before the trip, the client is entitled to a refund of up to 30% of the amount paid for the reservation. The client will pay transfer fees and administrative expenses that may have been incurred for the service provided to him/her. Expenses include bank commission in case of payment by credit or debit card.
7.5. If the reservation made by the client is canceled by the client himself/herself less than 3 (three) days before the trip, the client is not entitled to a refund from the agency.
7.6. If the client does not show up or leaves the trip before the date specified by the agency, the client is not entitled to a refund from the agency.


8.1. Price determination: The price presented on the website www.vas.al, www.albtoursd.com, or the price obtained from the staff at each of the agency’s offices, is the final price of the package or tourist offer.
8.2. The agency is obliged to inform the consumer as soon as possible if, before the start of the trip, it is required to make significant changes to any of the essential conditions of the travel package contract, or to increase the price by more than 5% of the final agreed price between the parties, to enable him/her to make appropriate decisions, and in particular:
– Acceptance of an addition to the contract, specifying the changes made and their impact on the price.
– Waiver of the contract, without penalty, by notifying the agency within three days of receiving the notification but no later than the day of departure.
8.3. The agency is not responsible for changes in the final price if this change is made by the hotel, the addition of taxes paid at the destination, other obligations imposed by Albanian or foreign state institutions. In any case, the agency will notify the client as soon as it is notified by its suppliers or other institutions.
8.4. The agency is not responsible for price changes in certain periods of the year considered as the peak tourist season of the destination chosen by the client. Payments for children vary according to hotel offers. The agency is not responsible for these payments and for changes that may be made to the price.
8.5. Payment is made in full at the time of booking. However, by agreement with the agency, payment can also be made in two parts when 50% of the final price is paid at the time of booking and 50% is paid 14 days before the trip. In case of non-payment, the agency is not obliged to keep the reservation made by the client. The agency may change the 14-day deadline during specific periods during the year considered as the peak tourist season.


8.6.1. With cash at the agency’s offices and at partner agencies’ offices.
8.6.2. By credit card Visa or Mastercard accompanied by an authorization form, a copy of the passport, and the necessary card details along with the three-digit code by fax, if the client does not personally appear at the office.
8.6.3. By credit or debit card Visa, Mastercard, Visa Electron, and Maestro through the machine, if the client personally appears at the office.
8.6.4. By bank transfer to the agency’s account. In this case, the client is required to send a copy of the completed payment slip by fax or email.
8.6.5. Bank commission: In the case of credit card payments, the commission is paid by the agency. Otherwise, if payment is made by card at the office, the commission is paid by the client depending on the bank. In the case of cash payments, there is no commission to be paid by either party.


9.1. The consumer has the right to complain to the organizer about any non-fulfillment of the contract within 10 days from the end of the trip. (This includes the client’s obligation to immediately notify the non-fulfillment of the contract.)
9.2. The organizer is obliged to examine the complaint and respond within 20 days from being informed about the complaint.


In case of disagreement with the client, the agency will make every effort to reach a mutually agreed and speedy solution with the client.


11.1. “AlbtoursD – Vas Tour Operatore” sh.p.k. declares that the online pages www.vascruise.com and www.vas.al are its property. The agency is responsible for any material displayed on any of the online pages.
11.2. “Albtours D – Vas Tour Operatore” sh.p.k. declares that information about hotels, resorts, and transportation is taken from the official websites of hotels, resorts, and transportation. This information is periodically reviewed to ensure it is the latest.
11.3. “Albtours D – Vas Tour Operatore” sh.p.k. declares that only authorized information for the public from the creators of the hotel, resort, and transportation websites is reflected on its online pages. Information and photographs are not personally obtained by the agency staff but only from the specified official websites.
11.4. “Albtours D – Vas Tour Operatore” sh.p.k. declares that it does not hold copyright over the quoted material in point 11.3.


The approval of the above agreement is made by the partners of the company “Albtours D – Vas Tour Operatore”.
Any changes to the above agreement are made by the partners of the company “Albtours D – Vas Tour Operatore”.

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